Case Details

Complaint Information
The IPA has an investigations and disciplinary process to accept written complaints against IPA members. As a condition of membership all our members are subject to this process for alleged breaches of the IPA Constitution, By-laws, Pronouncements and professional and ethical standards. The IPA will not accept anonymous complaints and cannot investigate a complaint where the complainant wishes to remain anonymous. Our investigation process is based on transparency for both the complainant and the member. This requires a copy of this complaint and any subsequent information in relation to the complaint to be provided to the member. While a complainant may withdraw a complaint at any time, the IPA retains the right to continue the investigation where we believe there are relevant issues requiring investigation.

The IPA cannot investigate all complaints. There are circumstances where the matter may be more appropriately dealt with by another body such as a regulatory body or the police. We will not investigate a complaint where:
  • It relates to breaches of the law or matters that do not fall within our jurisdiction and there are no relevant professional and ethical issues present.
  • It is a commercial dispute such as a dispute about fees where there are no relevant professional and ethical issues present.
  • The nature of the complaint does not warrant investigation.
  • It relates to historical conduct that occurred more than seven years prior to the date of the complaint.
  • It does not relate to a current IPA member.
The IPA will not accept anonymous complaints and cannot investigate a complaint where the complainant wishes to remain anonymous. Our investigation process is based on transparency for both the complainant and the member. This requires a copy of this complaint and any subsequent information in relation to the complaint to be provided to the member.

While a complainant may withdraw a complaint at any time, the IPA retains the right to continue the investigation where we believe there are relevant issues requiring investigation.
Read & Understood Complaint Information *

Complainant Details
Title *
First Name *
Surname *
Address *
Postcode *
State *
Country *
Email *
Mobile Tel *
Home Tel *
Business Tel
Business Name
Second Complainant
Authorised Representative
Complainant 2 Details
Title *
First Name *
Surname *
Address *
Postcode *
State *
Country *
Email *
Home Tel *
Business Tel
Mobile Tel *
Business Name
Authorised Representative's Details
Title *
First Name *
Surname *
Email *
Home Tel *
Mobile Tel *
Relationship to Complainant  *

Member Details
Membership No
Title *
First Name *
Surname *
Address *
Postcode *
Business Name
Company Address
Company Postcode
State *
Company Email
Home Tel
Business Tel
Mobile Tel
Relationship to Member

Complaint Details
Complaint Summary *
Actions Taken To Resolve With Member
Other Complaints Lodged
Legal Proceedings Have Commenced
Action(s) Details *
Lodgement & Response Details *
Legal Proceedings Details *

Supporting Documents

Please upload your supporting documents by dragging & dropping them here, or by clicking the "Browse" button below to browse your computer.

Allowed file types:
Office documents: .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .otd, .ods
PDF: .pdf,
Images: .jpeg, .jpg, .png
Text: .txt, .csv

    Authority to Act & Declaration
    Consent Name *
    Consent Date *
    I/we authorise the IPA to provide a copy of this complaint and any subsequent information provided in relation to the complaint to the member (other than information specifically endorsed as not to be made known to the member). *
    I/we understand and authorise that the IPA may, for the purpose of investigating the complaint, seek and gain access to any of my/our files, records and other documentation held by the member. I/we further authorise the IPA to collect, use and disclose, as is necessary for the purpose of the investigation, any and all information provided to the IPA in relation to this complaint. *
    I/we have read and understand the above authority to act and request that the IPA investigate this complaint against the member(s). *
    I/we declare that the information provided in relation to this complaint is true and correct. *
    I/we authorise the representative to act on my/our behalf in relation to this complaint and the consent date. *

    Privacy Statement
    The information (as defined by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)) you provide to the IPA as part of the investigation process may be used in the following manner:
    • Investigation of the complaint;
    • As part of any potential hearing before the IPA's Disciplinary Tribunal; and
    • Forwarded to an appropriate authority where there may be a breach of a Federal, State or Territory statute.
    Information provided by either the complainant or the IPA member may be shared with:
    • The member(s) who is the subject of the complaint;
    • The Investigations Officer and the Investigations Review Officer;
    • Members of the IPA Disciplinary Tribunal and an IPA Appeals Committee;
    • Statutory/Regulatory bodies; and Other professional bodies of which the member may also be a member.
    • Upon submission, a copy of your complaint will be sent to the email address provided.